Gloria Dundra Bernadina

  I'd like to present this young doggy woman, who has been my "cohabitee" most of her life, i.e. almost three years. Certainly is she to a great extent a bitch, but I have learned a lot of what love and affection is all about from her. One of her greatest desires is to lay down with her head on the left side of my chest and listen to my heartbeats, and she can do it for ours.

Above: Gloria Dundra Bernadina in the arms of her junior master.

Right: Gloria Dundra Bernadina as a teen-girl taking a powernap with me.




We struggle together day after day. We also appreciate a rest after long walks in  verdure or winterland.



 Dundra och jagNär vi blivit trötta av våra långa vandringar brukar vi ta oss en liten lur husse och jag. 

What's going on here?

 Whats going on here? My master is tapping at his keyboard all the time. I want him to take me for a walk. Or at least scratch my chin. I say to myself "Keep your chin up, keep it up. Soon we'll see something thrilling. Soon!"

  Vad är det som pågår här egentligen? Husse sitter och knackar på tangentbordet hela tiden. Jag vill att han ska ta med mig på en promenad. Eller åtminstone klia min haka. Jag säger till mig själv: "Upp med hakan, upp med den.  Snart blir det något spännande. Snart!"
